Our week had an exciting start with our new well being drilled on Tuesday and finished on Wednesday. It is 420′ deep providing us with 20 gallons per minute. One of the workers assured me we could run the pump all day and not run out of water. We won’t be doing that, but it’s good to know we have plenty of water for our expansion. This was made possible by donations from 100 Women Who Care in southern Maine. We have now received over 12,600 dollars from this organization of women with a purpose. We are beyond grateful.
This week’s plantings in the field included cabbages interplanted with lettuce, dill, and alyssum. The lettuce will act as a soil protector, the onions deter flea beetles and the dill should deter cabbage worms. keep you posted on these results.
Many of our old friends are returning to help this spring, including Judy who came to glean spinach and deliver it to Woodside Senior Housing in Lisbon. This week’s total pounds of spinach topped twenty pounds!
We are also welcoming new volunteers each week. Our to-do list gets wiped out with all this amazing help and enthusiasm. My biggest challenge is remembering everyone’s name! 🙂 It is fun to meet all these new friends and welcome back our seasoned volunteers. John’s “fix-it team” is making progress and I know they are making a big difference with his enormous workload.
The lovely weekend weather had no ill effects on our field plantings. I was excited we got all that moisture that will help germinate the spring cover crop. The cold and snow just caused the Saturday team to work inside. The greenhouse was busy with everyone planting seeds and transplanting seedlings. We have over 150 trays of seedlings planted. Most are for the farm but some will be for our upcoming seedling sale in May, the 20, 21, and 22. It will be an online sale like last year. This year you will be able to shop with your pre-order instead of curbside pick up.
Next week’s weather forecast is looking really great for getting more plants in the ground, so that will be our focus. Come join us if you can, it feels good to be outside, doing something to help feed our neighbors in need.
Thanks for all the support. Theda