We’re looking for volunteers for our new Fix-it Team!

We’re happy to announce that we’re improving our system for taking care of some of the “facilities” tasks that are critical to our growing and harvesting operations, including these four “tasks”:

  • Seasonal installation and basic maintenance of farm structures (mostly hoop houses)
  • Seasonal installation and basic maintenance of irrigation and clean water systems
  • Seasonal installation and basic maintenance of electric fencing
  • Basic maintenance of tools, equipment, and structures

John Newlin is continuing as the lead person for these four tasks, but he is now working to establish a volunteer “Fix-it Team” of 4-8 people to help him with these four tasks. Some volunteers may prefer to help with just one task, while others may prefer to help with more than one, but either way, once the Fix-it Team is fully functioning, multiple people will be “trained” on each of these four critical tasks, and our ability to quickly (and cheaply) fix problems that might arise with them, even if one person is not readily available, will increase significantly.

We anticipate most Fix-it Team volunteers will usually volunteer for two hours, twice per month, although that could vary, and the day-of-week/time-of-day can be set to match the preferences of each volunteer as well. At this time, unfortunately, we’re not able to accept volunteers for the Fix-it Team who are not already “skilled and experienced”. Of course, members of the Fix-it Team will be provided with the necessary details regarding the specific systems in use at Growing to Give, and licensed electricians, plumbers, etc. will be engaged whenever needed.

So…if you’re skilled and experienced with a wide range of hand and power tools, materials, and fasteners, and if you’d like more information about volunteering at Growing to Give as part of the Fix-it Team, please let John know which of the following teams you are interested in joining and he will be in touch!
___Seasonal installation and basic maintenance of farm structures (mostly hoop houses)
___Seasonal installation and basic maintenance of irrigation and clean water systems
___Seasonal installation and basic maintenance of electric fencing
___Basic maintenance of tools, equipment, and structures (but no painting, and no heavy lifting)

If you have questions, please contact Theda at theda@growingtogive.farm.