Get Involved
Want to spend some time with great people in a beautiful setting, working with rich soil and healthy plants, in service to neighbors in need?
Come join us! We’re looking for volunteers of all ages —
regulars, one-timers, and everything in between!
Volunteers are the heart of Growing to Give. We welcome any and all to come out to the farm for a hands-in-the-dirt service experience. Our volunteers work hard and have fun, while joining us in our ongoing mission to grow and harvest food for those in need.
Volunteer on your own or bring your family!
All ages are welcome! We’ve had volunteers ages 3 to 93. We ask that children aged 15 or younger be accompanied by an adult.
Does your employer support volunteer work or community service?
We have volunteer work sessions during the week from 9 am to 2 pm. We welcome you to sign up on your own or sign up with others from your team.
How do volunteers help?
We rely on volunteers to help us with a variety of farm tasks. We farm using organic methods and climate-friendly techniques. Most volunteers use only their hands and hand implements, no heavy equipment. You don’t need any previous experience to work with us. Thorough instructions are provided for every task, and you might even pick up some tips for your own garden! If you are willing to work with us, we will utilize the strengths you bring and accommodate your preferences.
Volunteer Opportunities
We invite you to join the Growing to Give community. Match your gifts, passions, and interests with the perfect volunteer opportunity below. Let us know where you would like to start!
Field work
Depending on what the needs are for the day, jobs might include planting seeds, transplanting seedlings, watering, weeding, mulching, spreading compost, placing hoops and row cover, thinning, staking/trellising plants, pest removal, harvesting, and plant removal and cleanup. Some work will be out in the field, and some will be in the greenhouse or high tunnels. For harvesting and delivering food, we partner with the Merrymeeting Gleaners, the Androscoggin Gleaners, and the Cumberland County Gleaners.
Field work with student groups
People who enjoy working with young people, and are available on a consistent basis to volunteer, provide wonderful assistance when we have youth on the farm. Classes and individuals of all ages (preschool through college) join us for learning, community service, and hands-on experiences. Volunteers provide additional guidance. Youth group volunteers come more regularly in an effort to provide consistency in the lesson planning and implementation.
Fix-It Team
The volunteer “Fix-It Team” helps our farm crew with seasonal installation and basic maintenance of farm structures, irrigation, electric fencing, tools, and equipment. We are looking for volunteers who are skilled and experienced with a wide range of tools and materials. Members of the Fix-It Team are provided with the necessary details regarding the specific systems in use at Growing to Give. Licensed electricians, plumbers, etc. will be engaged when needed. The Fix-It Team is often called upon for creative problem-solving as we grow and expand our operation. Most Fix-It Team volunteers come on Friday mornings and work together carrying out tasks as requested by the Farm Director.
Mowing Team
Mowing volunteers maintain the grassy walk paths and areas surrounding the garden plots. Volunteers can either ride the Cub Cadet electric riding lawn mower or, if they’re looking for more exercise, they can operate one of the two electric push mowers. Mowing shifts can be up to two hours (a full charge on the riding mower lasts about 2 hours of hard mowing) late morning or early afternoon Monday to Saturday as arranged with the Farm Director.
“On-call” for other projects or tasks
Want to help, but working in the garden isn’t your thing? Occasionally there may be tasks, such as stuffing and addressing envelopes, labeling postcards, poster distribution around town, etc. for which we would welcome volunteer assistance. When we have these jobs come up, it’s great to have volunteers who are able to pitch in on a case-by-case basis.
Growing to Give plans fundraising events throughout the year, and all of these events rely on volunteer help. Tasks might include hanging posters, selling tickets, set-up, registration, serving food and beverages, clean-up, or helping in other capacities. Contact Patty Carton at if you would like to help with upcoming events.
Share your talents
Do you have a talent or expertise you would like to share with the Growing to Give community in a workshop or presentation? We are hoping to expand the availability of learning opportunities here on the farm and would love to hear from you. Contact
We welcome new volunteers!
If you’re interested in helping, please submit the New Volunteer Application. Please be assured that your information won’t be shared with anyone else.
Sign up for a work session
Volunteer work sessions typically begin in mid-March and run through early December, weather dependent. Click on the button below to see currently scheduled work sessions, register, and sign up to volunteer. The schedule on is updated as new sessions are added. If you are a new volunteer, please submit the New Volunteer Application Form first. We look forward to seeing you on the farm!
Please contact our Volunteer Coordinator at